
No matter how long we met, just remember that we've been together!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


yeappiee......just go SUNWAY LAGOON yesterday wif my frenz!!!

when we play the game~{duno wad name di}~THE LOST CITY~{smtg lyk dat}, Yan Lin damn funny weih!!haha....she dun dare to look when she was playing the game and kept on screaming, haha......but amusement park lyk nth to play geh, so we straight away chg our clothes then go water park!!

the first place we go is the wave pool!!Zi Xuen advice de, duno y she lyk to play da 'wave' thing so much.....after that we go to the pool, playing wid da childish disney ball~{actually is the kid play wan}throw here throw there, so high man!!!after that,
connie saw xin keat dern din play wid us di......dat time make me mm bei song man~~~

just lyk dat, 1 day go through my life.....but think further more, haiz, need to go bac to my home wid a crazy person...GOSH! LoL

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sohai geh!!make me till damn bo mood!!!

This evening, the weather and me mood is the same--BO MOOD!!!!
whwn i get up the car, bac home, the idiotic cheap 'chicken' straight away ask me '帮我把歌burn 进CD可以吗?' wad the hell la weih, and i wan borrow mp3 4 awhile still lanc o!? diu larh!!!!
when go bac home keep on disturb me, dat time i'm going to crazy and give her a present-----slap her 10x!!!!!

giv her 1 cd ni still not enough!! stupid till waste my CD!!!
1 CD ONI GT 1 SONG!walao, think i'm veli rich arh?!!
get another CD dat time still pretend crying, wad the hell!!!!
she still say dat wan sleep di!!!

I reli hope dat once she sleep then din wake up arh!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yeap, finally created a blog!!

actually dis post is not just created, is long time din use jor...lol

this is my first post.....
i'm new yea!!
hope that u frenz can teach me some abt blog~~~

LOL~happy always